Explicate in a sentence as a verb

To explicate this, it would make sense that when you pass a source file to the compiler, it would:1.

As one of the people interviewed in the article I feel somewhat compelled to explicate a bit further.

This is circular and, in my view, ought then be discarded in attempts to explicate why this is a good idea.#3 is a bit harder to pin down.

> I've successfully demanded a shorter workweek from capitalist bosses,Can you please explicate a bit?

Relevant discussion thread on github[1].Max Ogden's last comment irks me. After a long and fairly productive discussion, he generalizes / calls out people, and doesn't explicate on what he's trying to point out.

So no, if you actually explicate what I said you indeed find problems much like what I "invent after the fact".Are you saying that `f` should not have input type `Int`?

Traditional accounts would not explicate any difference between "Jump directly from 'cross' to 'cross' " and "Walk from 'cross' to 'cross', saying 'ok' to everything inbetween".

" Most moral relativists [that I know] aren't so concerned with practice—they're instead trying to explicate that human sentient culture is just one possible variety of sentience in the universe.

Within the mainstream of jurisprudence, as well as good case law, the Federalist Papers are absolutely used to clarify and explicate the original meaning of the Constitution.

Explicate definitions


make plain and comprehensible; "He explained the laws of physics to his students"

See also: explain


elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses; "Could you develop the ideas in your thesis"

See also: formulate develop