Expat in a sentence as a noun

As a US expat in europe, this never ceases to cause me trouble.

Single female expats don't seem to stay very long.

There are way more male expats, and even dorky ones tend to date pretty locals.

The expat nightlife and social scene is not something that is appealing to most women.

On top of that Eritrea's expat tax is only a flat ~%2 and is a remote african dictatorship.

None of this is new. There have been plenty of articles describing how expat laborers are treated in some of these Middle Eastern countries.

It makes me sick to my stomach and I really do believe every day is one day closer to me becoming an expat.

So, if most of my sales of akvavit are to expat Finns, I should certainly not hire a German to do my security audits.

I just spent a few days in Singapore with some western expat friends, and their local friends, and I really love the place for what it has accomplished.

They are already required to hire a certain percentage of expats to try to ingrain more flying expertise in them, but more likely, they will eventually be fired too.

So, let me see if I understand this: the US is going to bat for the big software companies who don't want to pay taxes in other countries, and yet I, an expat American, am expected to file an income tax return with the IRS every single year for my foreign earnings, which may be subject to dual-taxation if I make "too much.

Expat definitions


a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country; "American expatriates"

See also: exile expatriate