Exoskeleton in a sentence as a noun

Metal exoskeleton with wheels that can change it's rate of speed at will.

You would need an exoskeleton to manage the load.

Spiders and crickets seem like they would be mostly exoskeleton.

At the moment it's going to be brave early adopters, finding out what's nice, and what's got too much exoskeleton.

In HS I made a sweet exoskeleton using peltiers for active cooling while outside in the summer heat.

Once the strength of these suits gets high enough to handle loads like that I think we'll have to see more actual exoskeleton armor to protect the pilots.

The original title of this post was: "a company called Cyberdyne makes an exoskeleton - really".By changing the title, the novelty is lost.

Not because of potential defects in the exoskeleton, mind you, but because the baby will simply use it to do random things, like punch himself in the face, or scratch, or ...

For comparison have a look at exoskeleton, a Backbone fork which removes the jQuery dependency and uses the native DOM methods instead.

It seems feasible to design an exoskeleton suit that is mechanically incapable of breaking your bones.

Personally, I'd really like to see the storage system that could power a practical untethered powered exoskeleton.

Imagining crunching on a bug's exoskeleton and swallowing it nearly makes me gag. Repeatedly imagining it kills my apetite and makes me feel nauseous.

Have exoskeleton market development teams tried such experiments on young animals?

Not that I think it matters much: would designing organisms that take the shape of a part and excrete an "exoskeleton" to realize it any less cool than assembling the same thing atom by atom?

Having watched a warehouse near my flat being ponderously disassembled by a trio of excavators, I wonder whether using an exoskeleton would allow for greater speed due to a much more direct mapping of tool movement to natural human movements.

Exoskeleton definitions


the exterior protective or supporting structure or shell of many animals (especially invertebrates) including bony or horny parts such as nails or scales or hoofs