Exhilaration in a sentence as a noun

I focus on the exhilaration of finding a solution to the task I had no idea how to do when I started.

In nearly 20 years, it's one of the top physical experiences I recall with exhilaration.

So, as an ex-C++ programmer who has the endurance to write a lod of code, and is feeling the exhilaration of moving fast, what do you do?

The exhilaration and freedom afforded to a motorcycle rider is unparalleled, but it comes at a huge cost.

However, I suspect after I've done a few hundred the fear and the exhilaration will both tame proportionately.

Gravity was massively hyped for its special effects and the very real feeling of exhilaration it creates.

And especially for the magic in fleeting moments of exhilaration that probably don't matter at all in the life cycle of your friendly neighbourhood quasar.

You can't go back to a life of normalcy after experiencing the exhilaration of hacking away at something for hours on end and finally getting it.

It was jaw dropping as-is, but when they finally do stick a landing I imagine the engineers will be running around like little kids screaming with the pure joy and exhilaration of it all.

Moving from the idea, through the exhilaration of the almost-playable proof-of-concept, to the inevitable standoff with the ***** in the details.

This result is enjoyed without any of the unpleasant after-effects that follow exhilaration brought about by alcoholic beverages.

I once spent a week tracking down a bug and I felt like popping out the champagne once we got it figured out and fixed!If they had been working on this for 30 years, I could only imagine the joy and exhilaration of squashing this bug...

"The source of the exhilaration associated with computer programming is the continual unfolding within the mind and on the computer of mechanisms expressed as programs and the explosion of perception they generate.

* Tech-forward: we're recruiting gifted low-level developers, so we're not talking about changing the world or revolutionizing our industry or the exhilaration of working in a fast-paced startup environment.

Exhilaration definitions


the feeling of lively and cheerful joy; "he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed"

See also: excitement