Exhale in a sentence as a verb

This caused me to exhale air sharply through my nostrils.

Your comment just made me smile and exhale with a sigh of relief.

Notice the pauses at the ends of the inhale and exhale: what's it like?

It would pull on the bag as the tide rises to inhale air into the bag, and then let it exhale as the tide falls.

>People are scared by the carbon dioxyde they exhaleWhat is that supposed to mean?

And it favours the kind of lungs that exhale quickly, whatever their other effects.

When you exhale there is hardly any smoke either and I've seen people smoking these at bars openly.

Holding in the vapor for more than 5 seconds usually means that none at all will be expelled when they exhale.

Crunch mode inhale must be followed by re-tooling, decompressing exhale.

"... here's a technique you can employ in a minute: inhale deeply through your nose with power, exhale, repeat until you can't stand it.

You're looking for the transience of not only the inhale and the exhale, but also the transience of what appears to be solid neural signals are actually high-frequency sensations.

The problem with solutions like this is that the Ocean itself is already the most efficient machine for cleaning the Earth's atmosphere - well over half of the oxygen that we breathe comes from the Ocean, and well over half of the carbon that we exhale is cleaned by it. Focusing on its' health will greatly benefit the health of the environment that we rely on directly.

Could you elaborate a bit more on the details of your breathing exercise?Do you do: 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale 7 second inhale, 7 second exhale 10 second inhale, 10 second exhale 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale 7 second inhale, 7 second exhale 10 second inhale, 10 second exhale etc.. or do you do: 5 second inhale, 5 second exhale repeat 5 second inhale/exhale X times or for Y minutes 7 second inhale, 7 second exhale repeat 7 second inhale/exhale X times or for Y minutes 10 second inhale, 10 second exhale repeat 10 second inhale/exhale X times or for Y minutes

Exhale definitions


expel air; "Exhale when you lift the weight"

See also: expire


give out (breath or an odor); "The chimney exhales a thick smoke"

See also: emanate