Excrescence in a sentence as a noun

Does that mean a world filled with lies need not end in fire, and those excrescences of violence we do observe are aberrational? Or does it mean only that the war has yet to go from cold to hot?

Expelling the excrescence and allowing your graceful prose to emerge. \u2028"

A nameless excrescence upon life. It annihilates a man.

“Is it your Florentine fashion to put the masters of the science of medicine on a level with men who do carpentry on broken limbs, and sew up wounds like tailors, and carve away excrescences as a butcher trims meat? Via!

> Does that mean a world filled with lies need not end in fire, and those excrescences of violence we do observe are aberrational? Living in a world of lies does not by itself beget violence or unhappiness.

I used to use the term "Lambo vents" to describe gamer-gear excrescence. The inspiration was an Asus ROG laptop I actually used on a job that had deep, oddly-shaped fan exhaust vents that looked like the intake vents on a Lamborghini.

Era, epoch, edition, excretion, excrescence,... I'm looking forward to watching Rust's continued evolution in the new...

Are the excrescences of your soul merely the feedstock of an industrial process that requires human fleshbrains for supervised learning processes the output of which will be the property of the state since they are formed without human agency? ********.

The filed bugs are actually just badly concealed feature requests and the software for which you just started getting a nice mental model over starts to grow the most hideous excrescences. Especially as you have to hire a bunch of new developers just to keep up with the piling bug reports.

The reason that religion invented ****, was so we could savor the idea of this banal excrescence burning there as the decades pass and the death toll of his evil manipulation rises.

When we see a play swathed and larded with these excrescences, we must rub our eyes and ask: ‘What is this? Is the author, by his own confession, so bad a writer that he cannot make his intention clear to his producer and cast without composing a commentary on his play that makes it look like an edition for use in schools?

Then to rub it in, the screenshot looks like horrendous flat cr4p that reminds me of Spotify, another egregious excrescence of gratuitous Javascript masquerading as a native program.

Two, this kind of thing probably happens a lot in that particular attempt at a journal or book or academic blog or whatever that pathetic excrescence is officially called. Get the copies now before they use copyright claims to make it impossible for people to notice how often they violated copyright.

Ice-excrescences of soft, brilliant, asbestine appearance, and uncommonly delicate to the touch. .

There are ways to mitigate that increase -- fly higher to reduce air density, reduce drag by using specialized airfoils and reducing excrescence, take advantage of increasing engine efficiencies, etc. -- but I think it's safe to say that a supersonic aircraft will always require gobs more fuel than its subsonic cousins.

There arose noxious exhalations and putrid excrescences, and out of these was spawned the species known as paleface — though not all at once. First, they were creeping molds that slithered forth from the ocean onto land, and lived by devouring one another, and the more they devoured themselves, the more of them there were, and then they stood upright, supporting their globby substance by means of calcareous scaffolding” … “Whereupon the sage took a blob of oily filth, dust, crud and rancid grease obtained from the innards of the most decrepit mechanisms, and with this he befouled the prince’s vaulted chest, vilely caked his gleaming face and iridescent brow, and worked till all the limbs no longer moved with a musical sound, but gurgled like a stagnant bog.

Excrescence definitions


something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings; "the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge"; "the hump of a camel"; "he stood on the rocky prominence"; "the occipital protuberance was well developed"; "the bony excrescence between its horns"


(pathology) an abnormal outgrowth or enlargement of some part of the body