Excision in a sentence as a noun

It's a proper and right kind of excision to remove toxic bullies like that no matter how correct was the substance of their report.

Why do you feel a disclaimer does not speak towards excision of confusion?I note you didn't answer my question of your credentials?

"Nucleotide excision repair gene polymorphisms, meat intake and colon cancer risk.

Sometimes they come back after excision or spontaneously disappear.

From a priority perspective, negation doesn't open categoric new possibilities for our customers in the way that excision, or the log API, or a new storage option does.

It's been speculated by the Barton lab that the base excision repair error-correction mechanism actively surveys DNA by injecting electrical current into the DNA and 'searching' for lesions which disrupt the conductivity of DNA.

You're carefully excision of the end of my "a bit unbelievable" comment misrepresented what I was saying and the manner in which I was saying it:"a bit unbelievable [but that's progress for ya]"In case you're comprehension is masked in some way the meaning of this is "it's hard to believe that this is possible [with such stock hardware] but I recognise that technological progress has brought us to a point where this is possible; tech progress can surprise one in this sort of manner" - obviously I felt that such verbosity wasn't required.>Just saying absolutely nothing?

Excision definitions


the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage; "an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors"; "both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause"

See also: deletion


surgical removal of a body part or tissue

See also: ablation extirpation


the act of banishing a member of a church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the church; cutting a person off from a religious society

See also: excommunication


the act of pulling up or out; uprooting; cutting off from existence

See also: extirpation deracination