Exception in a sentence as a noun

There is no phone you can buy on the mass market that will keep your data safe with the exception of - perhaps?

It's really easy to make an overwrought, complex app on any platform, and iOS is no exception.

If something is physically addictive, then someone with strong restraint might find an exception there.

If you have employees, pay them and get them off your books first; employee wages are, depending on the state you're in, the one likely exception to that rule.

" button throws an exception, because it ends up assigning "[object Object]NaN" to the global "unescape" and attempting to call it.

Yes I agree humor is frowned upon here, and I largely agree with that, but when its not humor for humors own sake, I sometimes make an exception.

Should the Court interpret radio communication so broadly within the Act to include such technologies as wireless internet and cellular phones, this exception could lead to absurd results.

Police interactions with the public cannot be private, with the only exception being undercover police work or other times when the identity of the other person must be protected as in the case of a minor.

The same goes for most of the political changes we associate with modernity and progress - with the notable exception of Bevan and his peers, the people turning the wheels were mainly minor aristocrats in dusty tweed.

I was made aware of how much propaganda there is in Western movies by a comment here on HN:"The major exception here is the Department of Defense, which has an open but barely publicized relationship with Tinsel Town, whereby, in exchange for advice, men and invaluable equipment, such as aircraft carriers and helicopters, the Pentagon routinely demands flattering script alterations.

Exception definitions


a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news"

See also: exclusion elision


an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization; "all her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child"; "an exception tests the rule"


grounds for adverse criticism; "his authority is beyond exception"