Evolve in a sentence as a verb

But then again, I'm sure the profession will evolve as well.

Design and style evolve, and much of it involves fashion, fad, style, and preference.

So while the eating experience may evolve, there's no guarantees one way or the other about how chefs fit into the picture.

This is all so well-played by Apple: evolve ever more locked down systems in seemingly consumer-friendly ways.

And I'll smirk and think, "heh, he was way off," but beneath that cynicism, there's just a bit of regret that we just didn't actually evolve in that way.

Many will disagree, but I believe that in the long term society will evolve to match this more egalitarian structure.

There are no significant roadblocks to caring for and maintaining QWidget for as long as the Qt community sees fit. At the same time, Qt Quick offers some compelling advantages and is likely to evolve as well.

I predict the world will evolve techniques and customs to protect against this sort of thing, and look back on our era with pity and horror because we didn't have them.

The author's complains are a sober reminder that society is not yet ready, and has not yet evolved all the infrastructure it will need to cope with rising global Bitcoin adoption.

People love to talk about tolerance except when tolerance means they have to deal with people who were raised with fundamentally different views, or people who may even have the same views they did a decade ago but failed to "evolve.

Would you care to attempt to produce a canonical HN "How to harden your server" reference?Maybe one of the security experts on HN can start a repository on Github to evolve a canonical script.

Evolve definitions


work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"

See also: germinate develop


undergo development or evolution; "Modern man evolved a long time ago"


gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting"

See also: develop acquire