Evasiveness in a sentence as a noun

I disagree with the evasiveness of course, but this is grandstanding and witch-hunting.

Seconded, I dislike the evasiveness I detect and the corporate speak.

I view his leaving of SoFi to be more about his evasiveness and misrepresentations to HR and to the board.

Fwiw - 'In Dana’s view, what I saw as an earnest desire to get to the bottom of things, came across to grizzled cops only as evasiveness and guilt.

In response to Martin’s evasiveness, something apparently snapped.

The person at fault was also usually critical to the fix and putting them on the defensive caused evasiveness out of self-preservation.

The purpose of the overall evasiveness could be to prevent personal retaliation of some kind - that would be understandable.

What the comment was highlighting was a culture of evasiveness and plausible deniabililty.

Whether or not the smashing is justified is a much larger discussion, though largely irrelevant to establishing your repeated evasiveness.

This article routinely supplies innuendo about Mukerjee's evasiveness during screening.

Seriously, how many times do BSD or Linux users get into huge debates about something like this where the NSA's actual name dropped in there with secret functionality and evasiveness by developers?

My concern is that Julian Assange is obstructing this process out of either paranoid delusion or regular evasiveness, and his political supporters are all too eager to support his actions.

Given the background scumminess of the cryptocurrency space [1], Bitfinex/Tether's management's evasiveness and structure's murkiness [2] and the $2 billion with a "b" figure, heightened skepticism is warranted.

Which specific items in the Wikipedia article support the idea that the two are similar?I suppose evasiveness is its own answer, and I'm probably gonna skip the YouTube video whose comments are full of "it's the Rothschilds and Lincoln was assassinated over this!

Evasiveness definitions


intentionally vague or ambiguous

See also: equivocation prevarication