Evade in a sentence as a verb

We feel this was actually worse because this is where he learned from the other people how to lie, cheat, and evade better than he would have on his own.

Humanity does not know how to unkill a cat, so if I did so while the lawsuit was pending, I would make the lawsuit moot and evade justice.

I'll summarise:Click farms like every page they can, far more than just the pages they were paid to like; the theory is that they will evade detection this way.

Guess who can not evade taxes through complicated international arrangements?

I believe that everyone should learn to be a specialist in their spare time in order to temporarily evade the abuses of corporations and governments.

One of the goals of vaccination is to deprive pathogens of an environment faster than selection pressure allows the pathogen to evade the vaccine.

Laurie tries to nail "intelligently" down, but I think we can all see that there are other ways in which someone can be "intelligent" about technology that evade those criteria.

Focusing only on the atoms to evade responsibility for the value lost in smashing the glass suggests you don't recognize the value of the unbroken glass, which is nonsense.

If a company like Narus asks me to help them make a network monitoring system harder to evade, I don't have to put that request into some ethical framework that considers the good that application might do.

> In IP geek circles, Manfred is legendary; he's the guy who patented the business practice of moving your e-business somewhere with a slack intellectual property regime in order to evade licensing encumbrances.

Now the question is whether people will start to resent and oppose it.--As entrepreneurs invade regulated industries and evade traditional watchdogs, the question of who is responsible when something goes wrong looms large.--Airbnb likes to say that it gives more people the money they need to pay their bills.

Rather than play whack-a-mole with the latest website, currency, or other method criminals are using in an effort to evade the law, we need to develop thoughtful, nimble and sensible federal policies that protect the public without stifling innovation and economic growth.

It makes you wonder if those of us in wealthy democracies are actually experiencing a peculiarly 21st century form of passive aggressive oppression where we may be "free" but monitored and essentially feel helpless and the fact that these unknown hackers are able to duck and evade the same forces that can hunt and **** terrorists with disregard of sovereignty makes them look like folk heroes.

Evade definitions


avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"


escape, either physically or mentally; "The thief eluded the police"; "This difficult idea seems to evade her"; "The event evades explanation"

See also: elude bilk


practice evasion; "This man always hesitates and evades"


use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid; "The con man always evades"