Evacuate in a sentence as a verb

If you create a large enough vessel of anything and evacuate all the air, you can make it lighter than air.

Today hurricanes do not hit land by surprise, we have enough time to warn people so that they can evacuate or hunker down.

"""The primary constraint seems to be infrastructure to evacuate and shelter people.

The driver was alerted by the computer system and could stop the vehicle in a controlled manner, and evacuate.

In order to be certified airworthy, you have to be able to evacuate an airliner in 90 seconds, in the dark, with some of the emergency exits blocked.

If you're in a plane crash, you're trying to evacuate, and the guy ahead of you is trying to grab his carry-on and the bottles of wine he bought in France before exiting, I am pretty sure it's perfectly OK to punch him in the face.

] The Safety Board concludes that passengers efforts to evacuate an airplane with their carry-on baggage continue to pose a problem for flight attendants and are a serious risk to a successful evacuation of an airplane.

Even if through some masterful and historic level of effort we managed to shut down those artillery bombardments or evacuate the targeted areas in a mere half an hour that still leaves hundreds of thousands of civilians dead and huge numbers of homes and businesses destroyed.

Evacuate definitions


move out of an unsafe location into safety; "After the earthquake, residents were evacuated"


empty completely; "evacuate the bottle"


move people from their homes or country


create a vacuum in (a bulb, flask, reaction vessel)


excrete or discharge from the body

See also: void empty