Euphoria in a sentence as a noun

I don't feel too bad yet, and some sort of manic euphoria has hold of me.

The last time I tried this it wasn't silver bullet and it was not an euphoria.

" The lie worked, the fear immediately dissipated and a wave of euphoria rushed over me.

Several years back I posted several essays critical of the NoSQL euphoria.

I suspect this is just because many of our current ***** do this as a side effect of inducing euphoria, and we're imagining that instead of a real happiness drug.

He's describing the euphoria that always accompanies a bubble atmosphere.

I saw recently a show on Discovery about the rescue swimmer training program and they mentioned that euphoria is one of the symptoms of oxygen deprivation.

It's best to view the current Silicon Valley euphoria as a testbed for new technologies and labor processes and as an incubation chamber for the next generation working class.

It's beyond that - it feels as if a great weight has been lifted from iOS and I can feel the blood, sweat, and tears, as well as enthusiasm and sheer euphoria, of the people putting this together in an insane timeframe.

Initial euphoria, followed by dizziness, headache and constipation.

They are a great illustration of markets behaving completely irrationally and becoming divorced from any efficient relationship between price and underlying or future value due to euphoria, panic, over-abstraction or obfuscation of assets and risk, monetary stimulus, corruption, cornering, rumour etc, etc.

The entire paper is a great read, but one part that strikes me as relevant to this discussion is:While we find much of the work presently being done on elaborate interface technologies -- DataGloves, head-mounted displays, special-purpose rendering engines, and so on -- both exciting and promising, the almost mystical euphoria that currently seems to surround all this hardware is, in our opinion, both excessive and somewhat misplaced.

Euphoria definitions


a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation

See also: euphory