Enthusiasm in a sentence as a noun

I just want you to bottle that enthusiasm for later use.

Raising up the enthusiasm level, is a marvellous thing for dads and kids.

Instead, he greeted them with enthusiasm, often saying, "It's software!

He was brimming with enthusiasm for it: he was an absolute magician who spoke the secret language of Paper.

"The enthusiasm shown for this accomplishment on Hacker News is borderline ridiculous.

Second, Microsoft has far more momentum in terms of game sales and customer loyalty and enthusiasm than the other console players.

Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem: the ability of the designer to recognize as many of the constraints as possible, his willingness and enthusiasm for working within these constraints.

Enthusiasm definitions


a feeling of excitement


overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval

See also: exuberance ebullience


a lively interest; "enthusiasm for his program is growing"