Entertain in a sentence as a verb

They are there to entertain us, make a lot of money, do ***** and fade into oblivion.

In North America houses are bigger, people have more land and entertain at home, and life is lived at home.

Since I miss eve wormholes so much I thought I'd entertain myself with some reminiscing.

Ive been an opinion columnist my entire career...I try to entertain and inform.

Find enough of these people, and you'll have created a self-entertaining community.

Something tells me Facebook wouldn't look kindly on it pulling all your friend data to entertain you to death.

On the whole, so long as you feed, clothe, house, protect, and entertain your electorate, you can do whatever you please, and your power will likely not be challenged.

Not a single one of us in the 'normal society' can entertain the thought of killing someone, on a daily basis, and not suffer consequences.

If a scoffing, smarmy, self-absorbed know it all can't openly entertain an opinion that isn't theirs, isn't really as open of a mind as advertised.

That these releases have not also served to entertain you is simply not a legitimate complaint, let alone an excuse to suspend "common courtesy".

"Hollywood" makes entertainers sign grossly unfair contracts at the beginning of their careers justified only by the winner take all market they propagate.

Diversity is very beneficial to the industry and if a speaker has to resort to crass humor to attract or entertain attendees, that doesn't reflect too well on their skills.

Destroying Hollywood would not destroy ability for entertainers to entertain.

"It might seem crazy to entertain, but having seen first-hand that these folks can consistently climb and succeed while being what most decent people would consider scumbags..."One of my best friends is a psychiatrist at a large academic hospital.

"You sound like a typical bored teenager, with too much time on their hands, wearing their boredom as a nihilistic badge of honor, expecting everyone to entertain them, while simultaneously acting as if they know everything, thereby supposedly being superior to the entertainers.

I'll entertain that argument, though I think it is a wee-bit overbearing on her part to assume what will and what won't scare off this youngster; I don't believe, for example, that simple clumsy bawd would actually be enough to ruin software development for all people forever--and honestly, how many of us would want to work with someone who can't take the occasional obscene joke?This is where I have a problem with the author's actions: I decided to do things differently this time and didnt say anything to them directly.

Entertain definitions


provide entertainment for


take into consideration, have in view; "He entertained the notion of moving to South America"


maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings); "bear a grudge"; "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"

See also: harbor harbour hold nurse