Ensue in a sentence as a verb

I just hope this time maybe more uproar will ensue if the same judge is doing the case again.

I can just see the "not" getting removed at some point in history and hijinks ensue.

Once one nation leaves, a domino effect will likely ensue.

Now can you imagine the outrage that would ensue if Facebook were to take it away?

All it would take is for someone to arrange those pieces properly and tyranny would ensue.

Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.

Long arguments will ensue about whose fault a bug really is, and massive time will be wasted on this.

And one of them, in the interview, says "If 100 bands tried to do [live streaming] at the same time, disaster would ensue.

Shame that this seems to have been flagged off the homepage before a reasonable discussion can ensue

As a blogger, you don't have all the answers, but you'll find out about many of them thanks to the conversation that will ensue.

Can you imagine the anarchy that would ensue if companies were forced to be innovative?

It's called reserve-currency privilegue and really the world would be happy to abandon it, but you can't just **** the switch or madness would ensue.

A bidding war would ensue almost immediately amongst those emotionally attached to the 'great deal'.

Dictatorship that will inevitably ensue if sleazy reporters don't get their ad revenue?

That may seem unlawful, where those permitted places are common areas, but their issuance is predicated on the idea that if a 'pro' group and an 'anti' group are attempting to protest in the same space, then violence might reasonably ensue.

We questioned him for a few hours, but without a warrant we needed to respect his rights and let him go."The officials are thinking less about how this process inconveniences the traveler and a lot more about the **** storm that will ensue should they let another underwear bomber on a plane.

Ensue definitions


issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end; "result in tragedy"

See also: result