Enhancement in a sentence as a noun

TL;DR"In some ways, Mountain Lion is a refinement, enhancement, and yes, a major bug-fix for Lion.

RSS may have actually survived if it had not been for progressive enhancement which was **** but just good enough that people could get away with killing RSS off.

Most never saw it coming... happily going along with every new feature update, privacy change, "enhancement".

I spend a lot of my time in outreach, enhancement, and enrichment activities, and I've now met several people who have taken to watching lots of the Khan videos.

They must know full well what they're doing, and marketing this as a privacy enhancement when it's actually detrimental to privacy is willfully dishonest.

They will stay with you as long as they see certain things, including personal growth or personal value enhancement, whether that's financial reward or career aspirations.

Excellent article all around - I wish more people wrote this way. The author initially puts forth a thesis, "Any simple major enhancement to human intelligence is a net evolutionary disadvantage.

The reason is placebos are receiving meta enhancement!At first the placebo effect only had working for it the patients hope that they might be receiving the treatment pill and might get better.

Had progressive enhancement not become the road taken, no one would have ever argued to **** off RSS in favor of a hack jobbed DOM implemented where maybe 1 in 100 developers actually understood how to actually implement accessibility.

By the time the company has achieved some size, there's enough process and bureaucracy and projects mostly consist of what the OP described -- migrating from one framework to another, or some other incremental enhancement that's hardly pushing any sort of business of technology threshold.

Enhancement definitions


an improvement that makes something more agreeable

See also: sweetening