Engineering in a sentence as a noun

Despite what hacker news and TechCrunch try to convince you, running a company is a job just the same as building an engineering system.

Users are being asked to cut the database some slack for less than competent engineering choices but users just want a database to work.

They built better tools, drilled security into every new hire all the way to the execs, made it a part of every engineering and product process imaginable.

This falls under the umbrella of cultural fit, which is of course important, but don't mistake that for engineering skill.- I think we can all agree that "logic" puzzles like "how would you move Mount Fuji?

They prioritize launching early over everything else, including retention and engineering discipline and a bunch of other stuff that turns out to matter in the long run.

I was pretty new to engineering in general back then, and as a biology major with no real professional experience, I didn't have an easy time getting internships.

More than anything else, this describes an appalling failure at every level of the company's technical infrastructure to ensure even a basic degree of engineering rigor and fault tolerance.

A static analyzer can follow data flow easily, but it requires quite a bit of thinking for the programmer to do the same!The core motivation for managing effects la Haskell is not mathematical purity: its software engineering.

The goal should be to enact a vector of a new paradigm, as proactive team players synergize an out-of-the-box strategy of functionality and infotainment, re-engineering the learning curve framework of your dotted-line relationship.

> The problem, as with white geeks, is that Asian-Americans disproportionately aren't learning how to bs, how to promote themselves and their productsActually it is the attitude like this -- the attitude that equates self-promotion with ******** -- that causes problems for people with an engineering mindset.

Engineering definitions


the practical application of science to commerce or industry

See also: technology


the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"

See also: technology


a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located