Endosperm in a sentence as a noun

Even the "flour" is generally made from just the endosperm. Only if it says "whole wheat/grain" do they use the whole seed.

Although it should be noted that it is made with wheat endosperm, not whole wheat. But buying one is no more difficult than the other.

Golden rice is a GMO that has been modified to induce production of beta-carotene in the endosperm.

But it makes sense to me if it's a case of "replace your endosperm-only pasta with whole-wheat pasta". It's not practical to tell someone with T2DM they can never eat pasta ever again.

The removal of the wheat germ is the primary reason for re-adding the nutrients, without the germ, and the bran, you just have a large amount of starch in the endosperm.

From the seeds, we will strip away at least the chaff and often the germ and the bran as well leaving only the endosperm to actually eat. Even that assumes that one of a dozen possible crop failure cases didn’t **** the entire plant before it could be harvested.

Something about how the high pressure steel mills today affect the endosperm and then the readdition of the separately ground germ and bran produces a different whole wheat flour than grinding the wheat berries as one ingredient.

Quote Examples using Endosperm

Here's a quote that explains what the deal is with the whole wheat bread you can buy in America: A grain of wheat has three main components: a fibrous and nutrient-rich outer coating called the bran; the flavorful and aromatic germ, a living embryo that eventually develops into the adult plant; and a pouch of starch known as the endosperm, which makes up the bulk of the grain. Before roller mills, all three parts were mashed together when processed. As a result, flour was not the inert white powder most of us are familiar with today; it was pungent, golden and speckled, because of fragrant oils released from the living germ and bits of hardy bran. If freshly ground flour was not used within a few weeks, however, the oils turned it rancid. Roller mills solved this problem. Their immense spinning cylinders denuded the endosperm and discarded the germ and bran, producing virtually unspoilable alabaster flour composed entirely of endosperm.


Endosperm definitions


nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants