Endorsement in a sentence as a noun

" endorsement, the government got the pens for almost free.

Hardly a ringing endorsement for the Oculus device.

[1] I'm really sorry to be obtuse here, but I'm trying to be careful not to write anything that might be construed as an endorsement.

For example, apply it only to the top page at first, and reduce the number of endorsements required for display to 1.

I quickly realized how little value the endorsement system in linkedin was when my uncle endorsed me for Groovy.

"Perhaps not the most glowing endorsement, but if they can convince me they're more valuable than they are dangerous, they've really done some things right in the last few years.

Another option would be to apply the endorsement system only after threads have reached a certain age so as to jump-start discussions.

I see your legalistic approach to MIT's responsibilities, but this fascination with "endorsement" is missing the point.

In case you don't realize it, the reason your Uncle did that is because LinkedIn prompted him to, by fraudulently showing a message that looked like it was from you, asking for endorsement.

Doesn't sound good at all, but if I am to believe the rest of this rosy article, these must be uneducated and paranoid people... right?This is exactly why I personally view this as an endorsement.

It's still pretty awful for a large percentage of people who work there, and the fact that it's so much better than most of what else is out there is a damnation of Corporate America, not an endorsement of Google.

However, since upvotes are no longer displayed, it's impossible for my agreement or endorsement to have any visible manifestation unless I add a comment.

Below, Babuskov raised the point that the endorsement system will obstruct useful back-and-forth discussions between sub-kilokarma users in buried threads that often takes the place of a private messaging system on HN.

When a reasonable internet user, who has heard of Groupon, LivingSocial, et al, sees this Loopt UI - would it be reasonable for him/her to perceive a affiliation or endorsement for Loopt from the merchant?Personally, I'm leaning towards "probably".

Endorsement definitions


a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books); "the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book"

See also: indorsement blurb


a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"

See also: second secondment indorsement


formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement"

See also: sanction countenance indorsement warrant imprimatur


a signature that validates something; "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement"

See also: indorsement


the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements"

See also: indorsement