Endear in a sentence as a verb

Well there's a surefire way to endear your cause to the people of the city...

This isn't going to endear you to the court, or to those who could help change the law for the better.

Her job is to endear SendGrid to devs; clearly the opposite happened.

Her Facebook credentials will endear her to younger voters as well.

The sheer volume of subpoenas must be costing them a lot of money and does nothing to endear us to them.

Putting scare-quotes around the word hacker isn't likely to endear you to many in this place.

Nevermind that its inherently misleading, which isn't a way to endear readers.

In that Michigan is hurting from the down slide of traditional auto manufacturers, I would think it would endear Tesla to the industry, or at least the workers.

Culturally, the act of not eating something prepared for you reads like "Your food is inedible and unfit for human consumption" rather than "I wasn't that hungry" or "This particular dish, well, I wasn't quite feeling it." This will generally not endear you to fancy chefs, although you might get a bit of leeway if you look obviously foreign.

So somehow cutting people off from playing Farmville, talking to friends and family, and generally wasting time is going to endear a small group of "hacktivists" to those users?Perhaps as effective as cutting those users off from playing PS3 games they'd already purchased.

Endear definitions


make attractive or lovable; "This behavior endeared her to me"