Encumber in a sentence as a verb

Rather than lauding the greatness of america, they choose to tax, burden and encumber it. i'm not sure there are good alternatives on either side of the aisle.

I am not a fan of DRM at all but I believe that if a "content owner" wants to encumber their own creation with it, they should have that right and freedom.

I feel like my API should enable people to build the things they want, not limit and encumber them so that I can have my pretty hypermedia.

I've looked at autotrading via subscriptions, but since I'm booming gains as high as these pros, I see no point to encumber myself with complexity.

I'd rather not have researchers spending their time trying to figure out how to encumber/"own" the results of their research out of a need to get their investors an ROI.

I guess the advantage of a band is that it doesn't encumber one's appearance, while the disadvantage is that you require some sort of external display device to read your output.

Officially approve it, with reporting/identity conditions that don't encumber legal use but ensure tax collection.

It's not a good idea to encumber such a basic language construct with any extra baggage; that's why the extra baggage is in "enumerate", so you only get it if you actually need it.

Virtually any web application of any measurable complexity is going to lead you into writing code outside the DSL that a framework might encumber you with.

When you pretend to have a market, then encumber it with excessive regulation, you can't complain when companies don't invest private money into expanding infrastructure.

I understand Amazon has to make a profit somehow to continue providing the infrastructure, but if computers and technology have gotten us, humanity, to a point where one can "lend" books while simultaneously keeping our copy ourselves, why do we encumber ourselves?

Encumber definitions


hold back

See also: restrain cumber constrain