Emulsion in a sentence as a noun

Mix in after you get the emulsion going.

But you can make the process easier by doing a base emulsion and using that to branch off of.

Shaking up milk or using a churn breaks the emulsion and you get solid butter.

So, the limits of the emulsion are the limits of perception.

An emulsion that is reactive to light was prepared and pasted onto a plastic film.

One exception is acrylic emulsion paint base, which looks white but dries clear, unless a pigment is added.

There are plenty of blemishes, and some of the emulsion has come off the plates, which would require reconstruction from scratch.

Film emulsions in 1900 weren't very fast, the equivalent of ISO 25 or slower.

Why are you adulterating my emulsion with your bits of smelly crushed plant material?

One should also not discount the possibility of emulsion damage.

There are layers of monochrome film, because that's what a sensitized silver emulsion is, is monochrome, there is none other.

With proper knowledge, however, any good chemist could make a photographic emulsion which would record their images.

" This material is a pre-mixed emulsion of metal particles in a water soluble organic binder.

Above each of these layers of monochrome emulsion are dyes acting as filters, generally three, which filter all but 1/3 of the spectrum, giving us a red layer, a green layer and a blue layer.

For example, almost every shampoo or fluid soap contains some form of SLS, because it's cheap and because it makes for a nice emulsion, despite research showing it is apt to cause skin irritation.

Kodak created different emulsion properties for the Asian/Japanese market since they weren't white, consistently improved the ability of their films to capture contrast and detail, and created test cards that featured multiple racial groups in one image.

There's no need to 'lament' since each medium has its own panoply of possiblities: photochemical emulsion gets to be 'honest' about grain, however, and digital does not, since with emulsion grain is not an 'effect': it is what emulsion, in fact, consists of.

Emulsion definitions


(chemistry) a colloid in which both phases are liquids; "an oil-in-water emulsion"


a light-sensitive coating on paper or film; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin