Empiric in a sentence as an adjective

You are too much empiric, there is no need to build something right now: writing some generic patents will to the job.

But you can definitely teach anything derived from empiric data... how was it derived in the first place?

And empiric observation shows that there are other factors at play, that come into and out of relevance.

Until you can demonstrate empiric data like the book can, I think I'll stick with the book, rather than an anecdote from a day-old account.

My empiric observation is that the lack of proper error handling turns out to have a relatively low impact for lots of projects.

"My intent with the post was to create empiric knowledge, I'm not a follower of the idea anecdotal 'evidence' trumps all that is pervasive in our industry.

By statistical likelihood, we'd expect the answer to the latter question to be 'no', while the answer to the former is interesting, empiric, and, now, known to be 'yes'.

I am afraid you are simplifying the scientific progress quite a bit with "we have a model, then we look for empiric data and if there is conclusive evidence we can conclude that the model matches reality".

Empiric definitions


relying on medical quackery; "empiric treatment"

See also: empirical


derived from experiment and observation rather than theory; "an empirical basis for an ethical theory"; "empirical laws"; "empirical data"; "an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known"

See also: empirical