Embroil in a sentence as a verb

Those facts don't seem like they are meant to embroil us in cultural conflict though.

] recording devices meant to fabricate and embroil the school in some kind of scandal!

I guess that would also entail, surrounding yourself with people who don't embroil your blood pressure.

Even if it is led and actively propelled by a small minority, it nonetheless embroils everyone.

There are much more sophisticated versions of this where the girls are real and they embroil men in months long relationships and gather much more...ahem...extensive material.

Another is not to embroil the organization in unprofitable distractions.

Terrorism is usually done to provoke some kind of hardening response, and today in practice that seems to mean trying to further embroil western countries in military conflict in the Middle East.

Social security embroils the government in private matters for which government's involvement simply limits liberty with no other benefit to social welfare.

Due process is only one of the many thorny issues that embroil the border search exception, and the exception's constitutionality along due process lines has not been decided by the supreme court one way or the other.

Embroil definitions


force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action; "They were swept up by the events"; "don't drag me into this business"

See also: tangle sweep drag