Embracement in a sentence as a noun

Anyone can use it.” That’s not a mythological embracement of freedom.

Good to read how a countries embracement of digital services have proven to be more essential than ever in today's times.

The tooling is good, and the community keeps growing and maturing, but the road to full enterprise embracement is quite long.

I think Naon is very distinctive for his embracement of the importance of human touch & influence in generative art.

You merely referring to the laws that you like as "coordination" and the laws you dislike as "theft".Even if we narrowly focus on a particular system of "private property right protection", which was certainly not the exclusive focus of the founding fathers -- who also advocated slavery and were extremely protectionist -- that nonetheless requires the enthusiastic embracement of the majority enforcing its will upon the minority at the point of a gun.

Embracement definitions


the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)

See also: embrace embracing