Embolden in a sentence as a verb

Judging by how I just read that post, the way to write a good blog post is to embolden the first sentence of each paragraph.

It's a straw man whose only real purpose is to embolden us with a smug sense of superiority.

It will embolden me: I have many more documents to report on, including ones about the UK, where I'll now focus more.

Also, this system will embolden the idiot drivers to drive even more dangerously.

The success of this campaign will certainly embolden others from both sides of the political spectrum to try to take scalps in this way.

I think it's only a matter of time anyway, especially if this ruling remains permanent, which would embolden Android OEM's.

And worse, the NSA may yet carry the day, which will embolden said adversaries in the knowledge that the systemic failure is unrecoverable.

Without an overwhelming outrage from the masses this revelation will actually embolden them and will let them widen the scope and power of these programs.

Otherwise, it will only embolden our enemies and cause this type of confrontation to happen more frequently in the future - to everyone's detriment.

If there is no obligation to make information available, all this will do is embolden the inside-track of investors who can get information at the expense of everyone else.

Embolden definitions


give encouragement to

See also: cheer hearten recreate