Effortless in a sentence as an adjective

I find it's effortless for me to pick it up the next morning.

Most things on Github feel effortless, and even the tricky things are far from frustrating.

It felt effortless by comparison to the way I normally learn.

With Emacs, it's basically effortless: a line or two of elisp can do wonders.

It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly.

4- It makes offsite backup effortless 5- Auto-updates are great

The subjective experience was of the information slipping into my brain effortlessly.

This is just so effortless because of the combination of dynamic typing and the wonderful built-in persistent data structures.

The James Bond movies, which are PG-13 because they have no gore, should be rated R, because the violence in them is depicted unrealistically: with no consequences, with effortless skill on the part of the killer, and with clear cut "good and evil" roles.

Effortless definitions


requiring or apparently requiring no effort; "the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air"


not showing effort or strain; "a difficult feat performed with casual mastery"; "careless grace"

See also: casual