Effervescence in a sentence as a noun

Everyone is enamored with the effervescence or revolution being the good guys... but no one wants to do the hard work.

The important factor is the size of the bubbles; smaller bubbles means they last longer and provide a "fuller" effervescence.

It's not mob rule it's those who run the outrage-triathlon where those with the highest blood pressure and boil over tops win. If they can't steam anybody up to join them from their effervescence alone they deserve to fall to the wayside and get out the way.

Seltzer required enough discreet mouth-sloshing to subdue the effervescence.

>When C was created, its main competitor was assembly languageC was created at a time of great effervescence in programming language design.

Asking why science happened mostly over here, but not over there, seems pointlessly akin to asking, why did the column of effervescence start in this spot on the champagne glass, and not this other spot over here.

Here is one of the most highly "liked" quotes from GoodReads:>> Soon after the completion of his college course, his whole nature was kindled into one intense and passionate effervescence of romantic passion.

Massacre is sometimes called _agitation_, sometimes _effervescence_, sometimes _excess_; sometimes _too continued an excercise of a revokutionary power_.

And given how much more common pulchritude is - surely physical beauty is one of the most common subjects in any language - while disharmony and effervescence are more complex and rarer in practice, I think it speaks to how little the word is used.

Effervescence definitions


the process of bubbling as gas escapes


the property of giving off bubbles

See also: bubbliness frothiness