Ectomorph in a sentence as a noun

If you're an ectomorph like myself, this is good news.

They were just ectomorphs and didn't put on muscle like that.

So what do you suggest?BTW ectomorph is a funny name, it sounds like an insect.

As an ectomorph, I find that I need ALL of my 4500 daily calories to build muscle.

Might be. I think the quality of life issues are overstated, but I'm an ectomorph so I can change my food intake on a whim.

I am an ectomorph, so my skeletal structure is weak by design, really poor bone density.

Or the three body types most bodybuilding + weight loss forums discuss: endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph.

An ectomorph has no business performing heavy cardio while being in a large caloric deficit.

I am just curious because the general physiology is pretty simple and I have read some things that pretty thoroughly debunk endomorph vs. ectomorph.

Extreme ectomorphs, for instance, can have a very difficult time gaining weight, even with professional assistance and much effort.> I ate 5 meals a day plus a snack while bulking, little more than rice and dal and some eggs while cutting.

Ectomorph definitions


a person with a thin body