Economise in a sentence as a verb

I quiet clearly stated "economise to the scale of mobile data".

> Also since when exactly did websites have a mandate to economise to the scale of mobile data?

Funny way to economise, making laptops status symbols.

"That thinking remind me of people who try to economise on few microns of plastic we see in electronics OEM industry.

You presume that reevaluation of your position is an expensive operation that we must economise on. But sometimes it is just keeping your eyes open.

DirectFB was great for small embedded systems projects where you didn't want the full weight of X. Unfortuntaely I don't think there's any alternative to X any longer for these kinds of projects, probably because the cost of a SoC capable of running X has fallen to the point where it doesn't make sense to economise anymore.

I think prostoalex is hoping universities would economise on things like administrators on seven-figure salaries, expensive luxury buildings, and so on.

Tell me, when assigning hotel rooms at a conference, and some people have requested to share a room to economise, and requested to be paired with people of the same sex, would you ignore people's gender and pick room-sharers randomly out of a hat?

...Historically, when storage was expensive we stored textual values in fields of fixed width to economise on storage; we still do so largely because that's what we've always done rather than because there's any longer any rational reason to.

Economise definitions


spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now"

See also: save economize


use cautiously and frugally; "I try to economize my spare time"; "conserve your energy for the ascent to the summit"

See also: conserve husband economize