Eclampsia in a sentence as a noun

In order to have the lowest chance of pre-eclampsia the woman needs to have been exposed vaginally to the man's semen for six months.

There’s nothing natural about 9 months of prenatal care and monitoring, careful observation of the fetal heartbeat during labor, prophylactic administration of antibiotics to women with group B strep, early delivery of women with gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia, and the availability of c-section any time labor starts to go south.

I personally know multiple mothers who deeply regret the physical damage done by pregnancy and birth, and don't feel even a little bit stronger for having spent a month on hospital bed rest with pre-eclampsia, or tearing their vaginas during birth and being unable to lift their own newborn baby, or weakened abdominal muscles from pregnancy so she still isn't allowed to run with her baby now five months old, or spending six months unable to keep down water and losing weight due to morning sickness.

Eclampsia definitions


a toxic condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy