Earpiece in a sentence as a noun

One time some kids had put Vaseline on the earpiece.

It has a proximity sensor next to the earpiece that would shut off the display.

"because it simply ruins the overall musical experience when an earpiece is in the wrong place"I've long wondered: Is this true?

It looks like the-new-bluetooth-earpiece, hides stuff coming at you from the RHS and I quite like the amount of connectedness I have now.

As an Android device, the N4 is definitely faster and nicer to use. But as a phone, I found two important issues were a step back - the max volume of the earpiece and the strength of the vibration.

IMO, at that price point, the real question is "is it worth it to wear them and look like one of those guys that walks around with a Bluetooth earpiece in at all times"?

I'm getting a replacement because the earpiece emits static interference.

However, since he wan't good at chess, he was cheating by having a computer play his moves, and having someone in another room give him directions over an earpiece.

Then the guy from the pager sector plops his device on the table, and says "Our new pager is 2-way, and we've add the ability to make calls on it, with a earpiece attachment.

A little eye-mounted analog HUD and an earpiece with attached mic would be all I need, and speech to text could do simple commands and transcription for me with maybe a micro-querty keyboard I could unclip and type on when necessary.

Because the version of Glass we used relied on bone conduction and didn't have an available earpiece, it made it pretty difficult at times for the surgeon to hear his remote proctor, especially since there was a lot of sawing and suction going on.

Not just proprietary apps on top of a free stack, but a proprietary distribution platform where most programs bought for it only run through it, where the controller can at whim close your account, and they vet and determine who they bless to use their platform earpiece?

Not political controversy, just the psychological aspect that it was The Secret Service, the dramatic earpiece-wearing folks in movies who keep the president from being shot, not to mention a police agency with the conspiracy-driving word "secret" in their name.

Earpiece definitions


electro-acoustic transducer for converting electric signals into sounds; it is held over or inserted into the ear; "it was not the typing but the earphones that she disliked"

See also: earphone headphone phone