Dyslexia in a sentence as a noun

As a youth with dyslexia, Reading Rainbow helped me so much.

I thought it was a dyslexia thing or something, but I don't seem to have enough of the symptoms for that.

But for now it is not a "cure" for dyslexia.---I think that the problem is that they didnt do enough "beta"-testing.

Is it mental like someone who suffers from dyslexia mastering programming?

" The difficulties he talks about are serious challenges, like dyslexia or the death of a parent during one's childhood.

* Perhaps, from time to time, change the group of people, to be sure that the font is good for "normal" people with dyslexia, not only for the trained group that is in the laboratory.

There is no agreed-upon definition of dyslexia beyond the very general description of "a significant impairment in reading ability without significant cognitive impairment".

I excelled in college and am just about to finish my PhD in evolutionary biology, largely because I stopped attending lectures and decided to learn everything on my own. After listening to this illusion I decided to search for auditory dyslexia and sure enough there are disorders like this and I definitely fit the definition, especially central auditory processing disorder.

What's most impressive about that gift -- focused as it may be by the intensified concentration that his dyslexia demands -- is Boies' uncanny ability to recall a key fact, legal citation or piece of contradictory testimony at moments of the most intense pressure.

Proper Noun Examples for Dyslexia

"Dyslexia" cannot be meaningfully distinguished from "poor reading skills" in any measurable way. There is no evidence for the efficacy of any intervention that is uniquely suited to dyslexia; All effective interventions are equally effective in improving the reading skills of non-dyslexic individuals.

Dyslexia definitions


impaired ability to learn to read