Dwindle in a sentence as a verb

I haven't worked a day since then and am just living off savings as they dwindle.

Their customer base will dwindle as new customers won't want to pay the premium for a chauffeured car and that'll be the end of it.

If it launches nationwide it be because gas companies are behind the push, and they will only do it once their gasoline revenue starts to dwindle.

An alternative explanation is simply that a lead of 11 points tends to dwindle because the good players relax at less than maximum effort while on the court when the win is in hand.

And what will they be doing in the future as both the "service" and manual labor sectors, the traditional absorbers of people with no degrees or impractical "soft" degrees, dwindle in the number of people employed?

And if you're not in Chicago or Boston or New York, those opportunities will dwindle as increased domestic competition results in consolidation and more of a winner-take-all market.

I sincerely hope that frameworks dwindle away into nothingness so that focused, reusable libraries that take simple inputs and produce simple outputs can fill the gap because the severe orthogonality and opportunities for novel recombination are so much greater!

Dwindle definitions


become smaller or lose substance; "Her savings dwindled down"