Dweller in a sentence as a noun

Well this is a rare treat, a fellow York dweller, greetings!

Your average 60 year old homeowner is much more likely to vote than your 25 year old apartment dweller.

"Basement dweller" and "neckbeard" seem to have become the way that fellow nerds can insultingly call each other nerds.

I thought people in caves in Afghanistan attacked us cause they hated our freedom?The cave dweller thing is probably the biggest lie about 9/11.

My car might drive itself, but as an urban dweller the only meaningful difference will be not having to make smalltalk with a cab driver.

There's probably a bunch of other activities that would require people to live outside the city, so not everyone would be a city dweller.

Just because the suburbs vs city has a trend for energy use doesnt mean that he uses more energy than you or even the average city dweller.

Its like me, an apartment dweller, writing a blog post about how im indefferent to lawn mowers, cuz I have no use for them, which is to say, really kinda pointless.

It would also not surprise me to learn that he's a pedantic basement-dweller, but I don't think, given what we've learned, it's conspiratorial or paranoid to suppose that this is governmental control.

Removing an article like that to cover your *** seems like an inordinately stupid thing to do.> It would also not surprise me to learn that he's a pedantic basement-dwellerThis characterization bothers me.

I don't want to judge you, not knowing how big a yard you have, but as a downtown apartment dweller, dogs barking provide all the annoyance of car alarms, the same inaction, and a smoldering hatred for people who keep dogs in these conditions.

Dweller definitions


a person who inhabits a particular place

See also: inhabitant habitant denizen indweller