Drug in a sentence as a noun

One man was on the floor going through drug withdrawals. Everyone scoffed at the idea that I was there because of a traffic violation, and likely assumed I was making that up.

A common side effect of the drug is that it makes you a bit achy and sore, as if you had gone on a long hike the day before. I did not feel any significant discomfort on neupogen to the point where I couldn't go about my day as normal.

Made $80mm in commissions running a drug trafficking network, paying hundreds of thousands to have people executed, mail fraud, money laundering, conspiracy... .

He wants people to focus on the issue he raised: Whether school officials considered that students could incriminate themselves with their answers to the survey that included questions about drug and alcohol use." To me, that sounds like an unusually thoughtful social studies teacher.

Drug in a sentence as a verb

Please, come find the guy who took all of our illegal drug money and give it back to us so we can continue to say you aren't necessary." Given the right flavor of influence from our community, we can only hope that he will decide to return the coins with integrity as opposed to hiding like a coward."

Paypal decisionmakers might at this point give Indiegogo the sort of look a school psychologist gives a C student with a drug habit who has just announced that they're taking a semester off to find themselves, man. They know which way this story is going to turn out, which is in its own special way as bad as not knowing how the story is going to turn out.

If you meet probation terms such as random drug testing and so forth, then your conviction record is "erased". Sometimes how this is handled procedurally is the signed guilty plea is held in a separate file and not entered into the main system, and at the end of diversion the file stays in the separate file if you have complied with all terms, or is entered into the main system if you haven't complied with all terms.

Penalties for money laundering that were increased as a way to lock up leaders of drug cartels and terrorist groups are being applied to people who built successful legitimate companies and had to work around all US banks being sacred of the vagueness of a law that was never directly enacted. So even if online poker is found not to apply as 'online gambling' it will be too late for these entrepreneurs, who had to find their own way to work in the vacuum of nobody really knowing what was legal or not.

Quote Examples using Drug

We have a caricatured view of the drug addict -- the unwashed, illiterate, toothless junkie hiding out in a crack house. Yes, addiction ends up that way for some, but by and large addicts are middle-class, educated, and live in houses with their friends or families. Hollywood and moralists have done us a great disservice by putting these horrible outlier pictures in people's heads when they think of drug use. Take for instance the word "addict", which like the word "war" is such a broad term that it doesn't have much meaning on it's own without further clarification. One side wants you to believe that all drug use consists of PhDs smoking pot while talking astronomy. The other side wants you to believe that all drug use ends in addiction and death. People need to stop with the histrionics. I support legalization, although I am extremely cautious personally when it comes to drug use. I might support criminalization of dealing hard drug.


Drug definitions


a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic


administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist"

See also: dose


use recreational drugs