Driven in a sentence as an adjective

Alex, these people arent trying to **** you off, theyre being driven by what BigCo wants from them.

At the coffee shop, you take up space in a business that's driven by turnover.

"\n "Beat a chicken and egg problem with a tiny subset of the market that's small but *driven*.

You see it all the time, there are tons of businesses started and run by intelligent and driven women.

You are the pathological customer in the ad-driven content consumption world of the Internet.

You can see from the disconnect between hashrate, difficulty and price that a large part of Bitcoin price and market movement is speculation and emotion driven.

As opposed to the endless steam of first person shooters that came before it that were even more straightforward, simplistic, and violence-driven?Blaming Microsoft for this is insane.

This should make a lot of entrepreneurs happy, as there will continue to be a lot of top-down management-driven products that, if history shows, will continue to be market failures.

If they don't, they're driven out of business, because stores know consumers prefer something to be a nickel cheaper even if it's bad for the environment, the truckers, and other nearby drivers.

I agree this isn't as big of a deal as the stockmarket may imply, but this line bothers me:"That equates to 1 vehicle fire for every 20 million miles driven, compared to 1 fire in over 100 million miles for Tesla.

I'm not saying Nick D'Aloisio isn't doing what he does out of genuine passion - I don't know anything about him, I expect he's very driven and geniune - but I would rather focus on the work than the jackpot.

If Monster Cable proceeds with litigation against me I will pursue the same merits-driven approach; I do not compromise with bullies and I would rather spend fifty thousand dollars on defense than give you a dollar of unmerited settlement funds.

I've worked for some very good women bosses and a women CEO and I admired their ability to find that balance and presentation style that gave them command without them appearing as an "angry *****" or "stupid".I've also worked with some women that couldn't find that balance, they weren't really doing anything a reasonably competent man wouldn't do, but were marked with gendered epithets and eventually driven from their job.

The people who actually work the port asked that they not disrupt the port, but in the end these dreadlocked, shiftless complainers cost those longshoremen a day in wages -- Viva El Proletariado!What we have today is a group of young, electively poor white kids who are upset that the price of unheated lofts and dingy Victorians are being driven up by people who have the means and motivation to actually own and improve them.

Driven definitions


compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred"

See also: goaded


urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue"

See also: impelled


strongly motivated to succeed

See also: compulsive determined