Dreamlike in a sentence as an adjective

That is, did you understand anything while high, or did you have a dreamlike feeling of understanding?

A little more reliable than using words to describe a shared dreamlike version of reality.

The dreamlike state wouldnt shut off cleanly and I could not concentrate, so that hour was never productive like I usually am during the night hours.

AllI have ever heard from a hallucinogenic mind traveler is "we are all connected" or an occasional dreamlike image that is explored by the conscious self later.

What follows is perceived as a relatively brief period -- twenty minutes or so -- of being somewhat abstracted from reality, with my mind operating in that semi-dreamlike state you sometimes get when waking up slowly.

But over the next days i can watch the android painting a really amazing photorealistic but nonetheless astonishingly dreamlike image with Andreas pattern, although the process is, as he said quite slow by design, and one image at a size of four square meters takes about 3 weeks to finish since it includes a complicated technique of iterated de- and reconstruction with additional time for the oil paint to dry up inbetween.

Dreamlike definitions


resembling a dream; "night invested the lake with a dreamlike quality"; "as irrational and surreal as a dream"

See also: surreal