Dream in a sentence as a noun

It's a cell phone carrier's dream; one tower can potentially reach nearly a million people.

Today, she can dream of a job, of moving up a ladder and maybe even becoming a manager some day.

The home -- the "American dream" -- has become a tool of indentured servitude and bank fiefdom.

So, Google had a pipe dream about turning carriers into dumb pipes, and had to face reality when the carriers wouldn't let them.

Physicists and mathematicians who program are so underpaid they dream about the glamour and glitz of working in a cube on Wall Street.

It's a fine company, but it's a big company -- a collection of tens of thousands of people, all motivated by different hopes and dreams.

The person buying the home retorted that it was reasonable and asked the new guy why he wouldn't buy the Porsche Boxster he considered his dream car.

In particular, if you're the kind of programmer that starts projects in Python and then routinely "drops down" to C for the high-performance bits, Golang is kind of a dream.

Dream in a sentence as a verb

He's received accolades, even from traditional journalism sources, that most journalists, even at the NYTimes, would never dream of.

I agree 100%.In addition, a friendly reminder to us all...When you see a Show HN, assume that whoever created it, perhaps not unlike you, is working to drive his or her dreams into existence.

It's a very common theme in startup-land, and I constantly hear from founders who sacrificed their marriages, worked 19 hour days, slept under their desks, and racked up tens of thousands in credit card debt, all to make their dream a reality.

> and there's no compilation step or anything -- then it's almost a fundamental paradigm shift for what desktop software could be.\n> It already makes me dream of a word processor I could hack like that, or a music player.

The reason I bring up this particular example is because guns seem so ridiculously evil, while having a pool seems like every child's dream, yet the numbers tell a very different story in terms of perceived vs. actual danger.

It was one of the great attempts in all history to try to do what many dream of doing today through the internet and the advantages of the digital age: limited by the resources of that day, for sure, but an amazing achievement nonetheless.

This sort of trade-off is not worth it for all companies but, for those that dream to do significant scaling and that need to have doors opened to future VC investors, the YC stamp of approval and the YC resources offer value that is not easily found elsewhere.

Dream definitions


a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night"

See also: dreaming


imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"

See also: dreaming


a cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business"

See also: ambition aspiration


a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe); "I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe"


a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality; "he went about his work as if in a dream"


someone or something wonderful; "this dessert is a dream"


have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy

See also: daydream woolgather stargaze


experience while sleeping; "She claims to never dream"; "He dreamt a strange scene"