Drawback in a sentence as a noun

Another drawback is that you can't search from the address bar. In fact, the pop-up keyboard hides the space bar key.

The drawback is that career paths are also more structured than in the US and take a long time. Want to start a painting business?

One drawback with prime is that not all items are Prime eligible. Specially what they call "add on items"

That seems like a major drawback from an accessibility standpoint. It does look nice and easy otherwise, though.

The biggest drawback is the unfortunate lack of public transportation directions. If you haven't quite mastered New York City's subway system, you won't get any help from your iPhone 5.

> The biggest drawback of Forth is the Catch 22 that attends any nonconformist idea. Not many people know Forth, and people wont usually learn something unless everyone else is already using it.

The only drawback is that it's slower than dialup and latency is off the charts. But when you're stuck on a cruise ship and internet access is $8 a minute, being able to ssh somewhere and browse the web and check your mail very slowly through links is worth it.

Getting back to the topic at hand, we should also acknowledge the most self-evident drawback of using modular art: the fact that resused art can become repetitive. This leads to what we commonly refer to as art fatigue.

When it comes to technology messy is not a feature but a drawback. It precludes a very important thing from manifesting itself, reliability.

This also seems like a big drawback: "There is currently no offline way to purchase Bitcoin through the Indomaret stores, however, since the users will need to log into their accounts and get a code." That said, it's interesting how many essential services are a la carte here.

Having used state machines a lot for embedded development, I find that they have one huge drawback: the resulting C code is unreadable, which turns maintenance into a nightmare. SM have a key quality: they are a compact and unambiguous way for specifying a behavior.

The major drawback to Bayesian techniques is that it tends to be computationally expensive. For example, to evaluate the A/B test and answer the purple-dragon question with normal priors, you have to integrate a normal distribution in two directions, and there's not a clean analytic formula for that.

I've always wanted to turn to freelancing, mostly because my girlfriend has visa issues and it would allow me to go live with her full time and take better care of my family, but my biggest drawback and what stopped me was that I didn't know how to start getting decent projects. I'm a webdev, I mostly feel confident to start with PHP where I have lots of experience and worked on websites with millions uniques and things like that; and am able to setup/debug most part of the stack, but every single time I find that either I can't find any good opportunities, or people want to see "previous experience" and they don't consider what I did at my jobs as counting because it's not websites I did from top to bottom.

Drawback definitions


the quality of being a hindrance; "he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan"