Dozy in a sentence as an adjective

If you're dozy at work as for some ritalin to help.

On the rare occasion I get more than about 500 calories at lunch, and i have to be very careful about what I eat or I'm dozy half the afternoon.

I typically work a standard 9-6 schedule, and I'm always a little dozy after lunch; a 20-minute nap in my chair saves a couple hours of blearily forgetting what I was doing.

It's not as though he's an unknown quantity; he's been representing the same dozy safely-gerrymandered suburbs of St. Louis for decades.

Dozy definitions


half asleep; "made drowsy by the long ride"; "it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor"; "a tired dozy child"; "the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair"

See also: drowsy