Doting in a sentence as an adjective

Lots and lots of doting mothers with FB pages full of cutesy little life mottoes.

Thanks, Hallmark!So I suppose the point is that for those who do have the doting, loving mother, by all means don't skip out on making that phone call.

For those doting on net neutrality - this is purely the 'answer' from a Cable companies perspective.

If so, I imagine quite a number of doting bird owners would be prepared to pay money to give their pet "the gift of independence".

Hurricane Electric is like an unreliable, abusive alcoholic, and Linode is like a doting battered wife who stays with him because "someday he'll change".

Doting definitions


extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent; "adoring grandparents"; "deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain"; "hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother"

See also: adoring fond