Dorm in a sentence as a noun

Hal was in the same dorm as I was at Caltech, a couple doors down the hall.

* College, year 1: dorm with roommate, cop-style desks facing each other.

When I was in college a classmate of mine would come by every day or so to my dorm.

In the common area of her dorm there was a huge wall-size Rand-McNally map of the world.

But maybe some college dorm discussions will bear some other solution.

Like, "but I love this dorm-room atmosphere, and when I get stressed out I can go play foosball in the corner".

I'm staying with some friends right now who, just this past week, rescued a Betta from filthy water in a long empty dorm room.

Probably not the article I needed to see after coming home from moving my oldest into his dorm.

They're usually near universities and would seem like a much better hacker dorm than sleeping on the dirty floor of an internet cafe.

"The sad truth about culture is that a sustainable culture will feel much more like your parents home than your college dorm; and that will never change... because it's a good thing.

I remember sitting in my dorm room, watching one of his 75 minute lectures where there was literally 3 students in a 150 person auditorium.

I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5 deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple.

I admire these people who are willing to live in a 10-person dorm room while setting up their business, but the fact three "Hacker Hostels" have sprung up feels like a symptom of SF & SV being so over-hyped and incorrectly positioned as the only place innovation will occur with less friction.

Proper Noun Examples for Dorm

While we're on Dorm Room Modification stories...A buddy of mine lived in one of those extra cheap campus dorms where each room is a mirror image of itself with a bed and desk against each wall with a bookshelf bolted to the wall above.

Dorm definitions


a college or university building containing living quarters for students

See also: dormitory hall