Doomsday in a sentence as a noun

Aren't these doomsday-posts getting boring?Here's my take:Stop worrying.

Well, it's got the word "nuclear" in it, so obviously doomsday is the only possible result.

Do you know anything about the legal checks that are in place that prevent your doomsday scenario from happening?

Besides, in that kind of doomsday scenario nobody will be using a darknet to watch Hulu.

There's this one guy who posts weird survivalist rants and doomsday scenarios about The Big One, and how we're not sufficiently prepared for it.

Many doomsday cults find their fanatics get even more enthusiastic after the predictions are false.

They started as a numerology-obsessed doomsday cult and evolved from there - the last time JWs sold off their possessions in anticipation of the end of the world was 1974, but it wasn't the first time.

He mentioned this to a biologist friend of his, who assured him that the popular doomsday scenario is essentially impossible, and that his greatest fear was a computer virus!

As a not-so-intuitive result, the reported probability of a doomsday scenario grows geometrically higher with each successive night of observation.

Any solution to this will cause over 50% of Auroracoin-holders to lose everything.... this is absolute worse-case doomsday scenario, assuming someone did a 51% attack with their own blockchain that may or may not be based on the original.

Doomsday definitions


(New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives


an unpleasant or disastrous destiny; "everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it"; "that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world"

See also: doom