Dogma in a sentence as a noun

Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

There's a very abstract connection that comes out of Google's central dogma: We are how people find things on the Internet.

Conceptually what they are trying to do is admirable but they are starting to feel like dogma to me. How do they help the average person accomplish what they are trying to do?

Programming is a craft, and like many crafts it contains significant amounts of dogma passed from teacher to apprentice.

Growing up during the cold war, it was dogma that a Soviet "bolt from the blue" could occur at any moment and end everything, everywhere.

Or do some crawlers choke on tables?I keep hearing this dogma, don't use tables for layout, but nobody has ever explained to me why it is a problem in practice.

It is a dogma of the modern Occident that it is stronger to be multi-ethnic, and that national identity should be open to anyone.

His response was dictated by emotion and not his head, and it's painted him into a corner of referring to sound crypto as "dogma" that can be navigated by programmer common sense.

These are the people responsible for outright lies such as "100 billion in lost revenue".This misinformation eventually became the dogma of the entertainment industry.

There will always be dogma associated with the belief that in-person interaction is more valuable than remote interaction, much like the same dogma people some people have about preferring physical books to e-book readers.

Dogma definitions


a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof

See also: tenet


a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative; "he believed all the Marxist dogma"