Divisor in a sentence as a noun

In the case m=40, we have that 2 and 5 are the prime divisors of 40.

It's not returning 0 from isPrime once it hits a divisor?

A well-known instance is the division operator, which is not defined when the divisor is zero.

It is in performing, say, long division, that you start to notice things like when 10 is a primitive root modulo the divisor.

It's a hack; increasing the set of available numbers by guaranteeing the presence of a common divisor.

However I recently used this for the case where the divisor was a variable but restricted to a few possible values.

Broadly speaking ...If leaves are space a rational number divisor a/b of 360 degrees around a trunk, then after b turns, leaves will directly shadow each other.

I expanded it to a switch case statement where each possible divisor was expanded to a constant value allowing for this optimization.

Note that while most compilers already replace fixed-divisor divisions with multiplications, this algorithm presents a more optimized solution for certain "problem" divisors, notably 7.

" In certain fields, such as algebra and number theory, the old way of doing it had another important trait: to prove the existence of something, such as the greatest common divisor or the unique factorization of a polynomial, one had to give an algorithm to construct it.

Divisor definitions


one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer; "what are the 4 factors of 6?"

See also: factor


the number by which a dividend is divided