Divider in a sentence as a noun

"Why is there a white page "behind" the text if I scroll the divider upwards?

"The "snappy" movement of the page divider line feels clunky.

If there is a visual divider, it's a separate argument.

So the lines within the windows represent the dividers of the UI between the window areas.

The tutorial I followed mentioned only that it's called a voltage divider - but that was it.

It looks really bad in some situations, for example the :active state on the drop down button looks like it doesn't darken the divider.

I need a more concrete difference or divider to promote other methods above statistics.

First person to turn a 90s animated GIF divider into an actual live progress bar with API wins the Internet.

A few suggestions though:The divider between the search and drop down buttons should use alpha-blended colors rather than dotted lines.

But I see where you're going: leaving the text in place makes sense, and if you're going to do that then using a divider from the top follows inevitably.

You could make one window bigger by moving a divider over, making all the windows on the other side of that divider smaller.

They give you a circuit schematic with let's say a voltage divider and a temperature sensor and tell you: "That's the schematic and that's how you do it.

I think the parent's gripe is about single people taking up entire tables that could seat a group, hence the use of "single" versus "us" and the divider suggestion.

It's too easy to lose your place and mental effort needs to be devoted to properly placing the page divider. I would like to see a version that scrolls in discrete steps by line, perhaps with a little smoothing by way of animation.

I heard the world's loudest vuvuzela, went over to check it out, and saw a guy with a rocket engine strapped down to a concrete divider looking at a laptop.

The first time, you get a major effect, because the worst people aren't just costing money, but sucking away time and morale: they're dividers rather than mere subtractors.

I think you mean: If you didn't bet on the roulette ball balancing on the divider between numbers, would you say "God damnit I feel like an idiot, I should have bet on that!

I'm not convinced by the divider. I think it either needs to communicate a visual metaphor, perhaps implying that the new page comes out on top of the current page using shadows, or just needs to be softer using blurring or fading the adjacent text out to white.

Which is the bigger divider, gender or ethnicity?The point I am making isn't that this isn't a good thing, because as I said in my original post, helping any disadvantaged group of people is a good thing.

And if grammatically it can be correctly interpreted as either an emphatic descriptor or a categorical divider it seems less harmful to simply use a different phrasing entirely.

Cheap meters can't be calibrated at all by calibration services as there is nothing other than a single master voltage reference inside which is usually not a constant current or voltage source but a resistor/voltage divider across the reference voltage.

Divider definitions


a taxonomist who classifies organisms into many groups on the basis of relatively minor characteristics

See also: splitter


a person who separates something into parts or groups


a vertical structure that divides or separates (as a wall divides one room from another)

See also: partition


a drafting instrument resembling a compass that is used for dividing lines into equal segments or for transferring measurements