Divert in a sentence as a verb

Polish authors found plenty of ways to be critical without having to divert into genre fiction.

Does it divert theoretical resources away from the ideal task that those resources would be addressing?

Showing a coupon box during one of the final phases of the purchasing process is a way of diverting customers to random pages on the internet.

There are more important reforms that they could divert their resources to, however, like better and more uniform indexing and cataloging.

This makes the notion of point defense completely laughable: divert ten thousand missiles out of one hundred thousand, and you've reduced the incoming energy by 10%.

Facebook uses your friendships against you in order to purposely divert you from things you'd normally do so that you'll spend all of your time on their site playing, gossiping, and purchasing.

For some reason, the more we automate jobs and increase the productivity of the American worker, the more we divert our attention to creating jobs that don't add value.

In my opinion, the hacker who hijacked this guy's Twitter account didn't have had ANY interest in explaining how he got to it, besides creating a hoax to confuse and divert attention.

" Pilot to Pilot 2: "Lets divert, this is strange"Obviously he should have clarified whether it was a threat, but when you are overworked, and you have everyone's safety in mind, it makes sense to be extra safe.

|||| < stream\n vvvv\n +--------+\n | man |\n | made | < grate + pipe to divert % of flow\n | dam +>>>-----------\\\n +--------+ \\ < going downhill to increase pressure\n ||| +--\\------+\n ||| | hydro | --> output power + \n ||| < main flow |generator| control infrastructure\n ||| +---------+\n ||| +\n vvv+ <----------------+ < flow returns to main stream\n vvvv

Divert definitions


turn aside; turn away from

See also: deviate


send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one


occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; "The play amused the ladies"

See also: amuse disport


withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions