Diversity in a sentence as a noun

That helps with the diversity of the search results.

This tends to limit the diversity of the gender and race and class of who is hired.

From the article: "We have employees with a wide diversity of views.

That enabled a certain diversity of thought that doesn't exist in the adult world.

There have been startups in the past that have emphasized diversity in hiring, so I am not clear why the current generation of startups cannot do so.

There are places that are run by grown ups and I don't mean people older than 20-something but people that are mature enough to understand what diversity and culture really mean.

I'm about as asocial and celebratory of diversity as they come, and I love this essay, especially the conversational style.

The United States is open to immigrants, accepting of cultural diversity, and a second home for many people that becomes a more meaningful home than their first home.

I'm sure his diversity is only skin deep, and that being born in Hyderabad to an Indian civil servant and migrating to America as an adult had no effect on his personality, experience, or opinions.

Probably the best point made in this article is that universities aim for "surface" diversity: they take the easy route of pretending that picking enough students of enough different racial backgrounds is actually making their school diverse.

Ageism, low-salaries, "sweatshop"-like/highly-political work environments, lack of diversity in companies/economic sectors, lack of interesting problems to solve.

Worse, a lot of the cultural diversity that made San Francisco interesting has been driven out by the high prices -- it's a much more homogenous city than a few years ago, where mom-and-pop shops and other neighborhood amenities have been replaced by places selling $10 "artisinal grilled cheese" sandwiches and "mixology" bars where you can buy your choice of $15 cocktail.

How can I take the article seriously when it says that "GitHub has been embroiled in a series of diversity controversies, such as programmers adding racial and sexist slurs into their code", which links to an article where someone took GitHub search and found random people putting bad words into their public repos?This author can't seem to distinguish between the code employees at GitHub write, and code users put onto GitHub.

Diversity definitions


noticeable heterogeneity; "a diversity of possibilities"; "the range and variety of his work is amazing"

See also: diverseness multifariousness variety


the condition or result of being changeable